Pix Deposit

Create Pix

The Create PIX Payment endpoint is a robust tool for businesses to automate and simplify cash-in transactions. Here's an overview of how it operates:

  • Send Payment Information:
    • Include details such as the transaction amount, payer information, and a description of the order.
    • Provide the necessary webhook URL to receive notifications about the payment status.
    • Multiple Bank Account Validation: You can optionally provide multiple bank accounts for validation (up to 3). You can check the example in the Request Endpoint section below.
  • Generate Dynamic QR Code:
    • Once the request is processed, the system generates a unique QR Code linked to the payment.
    • This QR Code can be displayed to the payer for scanning and completing the payment directly from their bank account.
  • Receive Real-Time Updates:
    • After the payment is completed, a webhook notification is sent to your specified URL.
    • The notification includes the transaction ID, status (e.g., "PAID"), and other relevant details for tracking and reconciliation.

Let’s explore how to seamlessly integrate this endpoint into your organization.

Request Endpoint

First, let’s start by using this endpoint.

POST /partners-int/accounts/pix/cashin



For scenarios involving the Regulated Market based on recent legislation, it is recommended to include the payment.payer.account details.

Please check https://dev.paybrokers.com/docs/bank-details for more details

Request Body

By including these parameters in the request body, it will look like this:



  • Payer's Name [ WILL BE REQUIRED SOON. If not informed, will assume value "*" ]
  • You will need to save our Transaction ID (id) in your database, because after the end user made the PIX payment through the QRCode, we will send you a webhook callback notification to your URL address (webhook_url), with our Transaction ID and status PAID in the content.
  "transaction": {
    "orderId": "<string>",
    "orderDescription": "<string>"
  "payment": {
    "value": {
      "original": "<string>",
    "payer": {
      "name": "<string>",
      "cpf": "<string>",
      "account": {
        "ispb": "<string>",
        "branch": "<string>",
        "number": "<string>",
  "webhook": {
    "url": "<string>",
    "customHeaderName": "<string>",
    "customHeaderValue": "<string>"
  "transaction": {
    "orderId": "<string>",
    "orderDescription": "<string>"
  "payment": {
    "value": {
      "original": "<string>",
    "payer": {
      "name": "<string>",
      "cpf": "<string>",
      "validationAccounts": [
          "ispb": "40820176",
          "branch": "0001",
          "number": "85793450" 
          "ispb": "40820176",
          "branch": "0001",
          "number": "85793451" 
          "ispb": "40820176",
          "branch": "0001",
          "number": "85793452" 
  "webhook": {
    "url": "<string>",
    "customHeaderName": "<string>",
    "customHeaderValue": "<string>"



  • You can now include multiple bank accounts for validation by providing an array named validationAccounts in the request body. This array accepts up to 3 bank account objects. The system will validate the deposit using the accounts in the order provided. If more than 3 accounts are supplied, the endpoint will reject the request with a validation error.
  • When a request includes the account object with bank account details, you cannot include validationAccounts or vice versa.

Success Response Fields

statusCodestringStatus of the request (e.g., "Incomplete").
dataobjectContains details of the transaction and payment.
data.transactionobjectObject holding transaction information.
data.transaction.idstringUnique identifier for the transaction.
data.transaction.statestringCurrent state of the transaction (e.g., "Cancelled").
data.transaction.datedateDate of the transaction.
data.transaction.orderIdstringClient-defined order identifier.
data.transaction.amountstringAmount involved in the transaction.
data.paymentobjectObject holding payment details.
data.payment.qrCodestringQR code representing the transaction.
data.payment.qrCodeLocationstringURL or location where the QR code can be accessed.
data.transaction.institutionstringBank institution that has made the transaction
data.transaction.accountNumberstringBank account that has made the transaction
data.transaction.ispbstringISPB of data.transaction.institution

Transaction Lifecycle

After completing your transaction, you can identify a field called state in the payload (or in the table above), which represents the initial state of the transaction's lifecycle. For a Cash In request, there are five possible states, as described below:

  • Registered: The initial state of the transaction, indicating that it has been created and is awaiting payment.
  • Completed: The final state of the transaction, indicating that the payment has been successfully completed.
  • Error: The state reached when a predictable error occurs during the transaction process.
  • Reversed: Indicates that the transaction was not completed and was returned by the receiving bank.
  • Cancelled: Indicates that the transaction was not completed due to factors such as timeout.

Webhook Returned Parameters

After the user makes the payment via PIX, the system sends a webhook notification to the configured URL (webhook_urlprovided when the transaction was created). This webhook contains information about the transaction status, allowing the client system to track and update the payment status accurately.



Learn more about webhook parameters in the Webhook Event Verification guide.

The webhook returned from the status change will follow this format.

  "id": "<string>",
  "transactionState": "Completed",
  "transactionDate": "<date>",
  "transactionAmount": "<value>",
  "transactionType": "<string>",
  "transactionPaymentType": "<string>",
  "transactionOrderId": "",
  "transactionOrderDescription": "<string>",
  "transactionCharges": "<value>",
  "webhookUrl": "<string>",
  "transactionReceipt": "<string>",
  "transactionReceiptDate": "<date>",
  "transactionReceiptVoucher": "<string>",
  "stateRegisteredDate": "<date>",
  "stateCompletedDate": "<date>",
  "payer": {
    "name": "<string>",
    "taxNumber": "<string>",
    "bankCode": "<string>",
    "accountAgency": "<string>",
    "accountNumber": "<string>",
    "accountDigit": "<string>"