Check Overall Balance

The Overall Balance endpoint returns a consolidated view of the current and past balances for all accounts that the authenticated user can access. It shows each individual account’s balances as well as an aggregated total by category.

Request Endpoint

All methods use the same endpoint, differing only in their request payload structure

GET /partners-int/accounts/balance/overall

Query Parameters

filterDate (optional)string (ISO8601)Used to retrieve the closing (final) balance as of the specified date/time. If omitted, returns the current real-time balances.

Retrieving the Overall (Current) Balance

If filterDate parameter is not included, the endpoint responds with the current balances.

GET {{baseUrl}}/partners-int/accounts/balance/overall

Retrieving the Overall Balance on a Specific Date

This request returns the balances as of the specified date (historical/closing balance).

GET {{baseUrl}}/partners-int/accounts/balance/overall?filterDate=2025-03-03T03:00:00.000Z

Success response Fields

statusCodestringIndicates the general status of the request (e.g., "Done").
dataobjectContains both the list of individual accounts and the overall, aggregated balances.
data.accountsarray of objectsLists each account’s unique information and balances.
accounts[n].uidstring (UUID)Unique identifier of the account.
accounts[n].accountActualBalancestring (decimal)Current (or specified date’s) available balance for the account.
accounts[n].accountTotalBalancestring (decimal)Total (or specified date’s) balance for the account, which may include pending amounts depending on the business rules.
accounts[n].categorystringAccount category, e.g. "TransactionalAccount", "ProprietaryAccount", etc.
accounts[n].institutionstringInstitution associated with this account, e.g. "PayBrokers", "TRIO".
data.overallobjectAggregated balances by category.
overall..actualBalancestring (decimal)Sum of the actual balances for all accounts in this category.
overall..accountTotalBalancestring (decimal)Sum of the total balances for all accounts in this category.

If you want to learn more about account categories, check Get accounts