1. Payment with PIX

PIX is the most popular payment method in Brazil. This section is an overview of what an integrator should expect while integrating it.

If you are familiar with it, you might consider skipping this section, but if you are not, let's start with the Deposit (Cash in Flow) flow.

PIX Deposits (Cash Ins)

  1. The first step is a cash in request to Paybrokers. It should include the payer and the recipient info, as well as basic information about value.
    • In this request, the integrator must also provide a webhook notification URL, it will be used to iform each transaction status change.
  2. Paybrokers creates a transaction and provide payment codes for the end-user in two formats: a QRCode and a so called PIX Copy and Paste string. Both can be used by the end-user to execute the payment.
    • If the transaction can't be created by any reason, the payment is rejected.
  3. The integrator provides the QRCode and PIX Copy and Paste string to the end-user.
    • From this point on, the integrator should only wait for the payment to reach a final state.
  4. At some point in time, the user proceeds with his payment flow, executing or abandoning it.
  • Asynchronously, Paybrokers will send webhook notifications to the integrator, updating it about any transaction status change, including completing, error, cancelling etc.

2. Pix Withdraw (Cash out)

For withdraws, the process is simpler. It's just about informing the destination account using a PIX Key as reference.

PIX Keys are in the core of the PIX payment system, they work as pointers to a real world bank account. End-users create PIX Keys using any of their bank apps, and can share these keys with anyone. So any payment made using that key, will be addressed to the destination bank account it points to.

PIX keys can have its format validated based on its type. As follows:

  • CPF - a unique identification number for individuals in Brazil of 11 digits, used for various purposes, including financial and government transactions.
    • Regular Expression: ^[0-9]{11}$
    • Example: 10777438666
    • Note: Paybrokers validates the CPF and denies requests for fake CPFs. While integration please use one of these real world CPFs for test: 14435549603, 13600642650, 10777438666.
  • PHONE - a valid phone number in Brazil.
    • Regular Expression: ^+[1-9][0-9]\d{1,14}$
    • Example: +5583986182244
    • Note: Brazilian phone number should start with +55, as showed in the above example.
  • EMAIL - a valid e-mail.
  • EVP - a type of PIX key that is generated using the OpenSSL EVP (Encryption Variable Provider) library.
    • Regular Expression: [0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}
    • Example: b5195ee1-f054-47d1-9e90-ee57b74f60d9

For both the PIX and Open Finance, any created transaction and their status are visible in the Administrative Portal, on the Sales (Cash In) and the Withdraws (Cash Out) menus.


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