Get Transactions

The Transaction Requests endpoint allows retrieving transaction data. This endpoint is particularly useful when you need to validate the status of one or more transactions or locate a specific one. Its usage is straightforward, as it does not require a Request Body. There are two main use cases:

  • To retrieve a single transaction using transactionId.
  • To retrieve multiple transactions using transactionOrderId and date filters.

Let’s explore these functionalities in more detail:

1. Get a Single Transaction using transactionId

This operation aims to fetch details about a specific transaction by using transactionId as a Path Variable in the following endpoint:

Request Endpoint

GET {{baseUrl}}/partners-int/accounts/transactions/pix/:transactionId

Path Parameters

As previously mentioned, this endpoint does not use a request body. Instead, it requires the transactionId as a Path Variable, as outlined below:

transactionIdstring (UUID)Identifier of the transaction to find

By executing this endpoint, you can view the details of a specific transaction.

2. Get Multiple Transactions using transactionOrderId and Date Filters

This operation is intended to list all transactions associated with an orderId and within a specified date range. To perform this query, you will use Query Parameters.

Request Endpoint

GET {{baseUrl}}/partners-int/accounts/transactions/pix

Query Parameters

Similar to the previous endpoint, this one does not require a request body. Instead, the filters are applied via Query Parameters. These parameters are as follows:

startDatestringThe start date for filtering transactions (in ISO 8601 format, e.g., 2023-01-01T00:00:00Z).
endDatestringThe end date for filtering transactions (in ISO 8601 format, e.g., 2023-12-31T23:59:59Z).
dataset.limitnumberMaximum number of transactions to return in the response.
dataset.offsetnumberOffset for pagination, indicating the starting point for the dataset.
transactionOrderIdstringIdentifier for the transaction order to filter the results.

Possible Responses

The response for both cases is generally similar. However, the response for Retrieve a Single Transaction includes more detailed information about the transaction, whereas the response for Retrieve Multiple Transactions provides a summarized version to handle a larger volume of data. Let’s take a closer look at these responses.

    "statusCode": "Done",
    "data": {
        "transaction": {
            "id": "<string>",
            "externalResourceId": "<string>",
            "orderId": "<string>",
            "orderDescription": "<string>",
            "date": "<string>",
            "stateRegisteredDate": "<string>",
            "stateCompletedDate": "<string>",
            "stateCancelledDate": "<string>",
            "stateRefundDate": "<string>",
            "stateReversedDate": "<string>",
            "stateErrorDate": "<string>",
            "stateErrorCause": "<string>",
            "type": "<string>",
            "paymentType": "<string>",
            "category": "<string>",
            "amount": "<string>",
            "refundsAmount": "<string>",
            "currency": "<string>",
            "state": "<string>",
            "charges": "<string>",
            "chargesObject": {
                "costValue": "<string>",
                "rateValue": "<string>",
                "rate": "<string>"
            "receiptUrl": "<string>",
            "receiptDate": "<string>",
            "receiptVoucher": "<string>",
            "receiptAmount": "<string>",
            "metadata": {},
            "payer": {
                "name": "<string>",
                "taxNumber": "<string>",
                "bankCode": "<string>",
                "bankName": "<string>",
                "accountAgency": "<string>",
                "accountNumber": "<string>",
                "accountDigit": "<string>"
            "customerName": "<string>",
            "accountName": "<string>",
            "accountNumber": "<string>",
            "brandInfo": {
                "name": "<string>",
                "logo": "<string>"
            "partnerInfo": {
                "name": "<string>",
                "logo": "<string>"
            "account": {
                "accountNumber": "<string>",
                "accountType": "<string>"
        "payment": {
            "value": {
                "original": "<string>"
            "qrCode": "<string>",
            "qrCodeLocation": "<string>",
            "payer": {
                "name": "<string>",
                "cpf": "<string>",
                "cnpj": "<string>"
        "webhook": {
            "url": "<string>",
            "customHeaderN": "<string>",
            "customHeaderValue": "<string>",
            "deliveryStatus": "<string>",
            "deliveryTime": "<string>"
    "statusCode": "Done",
    "data": {
        "limit": 50,
        "offset": 0,
        "total": 1,
        "items": [
                "transaction": {
                    "id": "<string>",
                    "orderId": "<string>",
                    "orderDescription": "<string>",
                    "date": "<string>",
                    "stateRegisteredDate": "<string>",
                    "stateCompletedDate": "<string>",
                    "stateCancelledDate": "<string>",
                    "stateRefundDate": "<string>",
                    "stateReversedDate": "<string>",
                    "stateErrorDate": "<string>",
                    "stateErrorCause": "<string>",
                    "type": "<string>",
                    "paymentType": "<string>",
                    "amount": "<string>",
                    "refundsAmount": "<string>",
                    "currency": "<string>",
                    "state": "<string>",
                    "charges": "<string>",
                    "chargesObject": {
                        "costValue": "<string>",
                        "rateValue": "<string>",
                        "rate": "<string>"
                    "receiptVoucher": "<string>",
                    "payer": {
                        "name": "<string>",
                        "taxNumber": "<string>"
                    "brandInfo": {
                        "name": "<string>",
                        "logo": "<string>"
                    "account": {
                        "accountNumber": "<string>",
                        "accountType": "<string>"
                "payment": {
                    "payer": {
                        "name": "<string>",
                        "cpf": "<string>",
                        "cnpj": "<string>"
                "webhook": {
                    "deliveryStatus": "<string>"

  "statusCode": "<string>",
  "error": {
    "name": "<string>",
    "message": "<string>",
    "details": [
        "path": "<string>",
        "code": "<string>",
        "message": "<string>",
        "info": "<object>"
        "path": "<string>",
        "code": "<string>",
        "message": "<string>",
        "info": "<object>"
  "statusCode": "<string>",
  "error": {
    "name": "<string>",
    "message": "<string>",
    "details": {
      "reason": "<string>"
  "statusCode": "<string>",
  "error": {
    "name": "<string>",
    "message": "<string>"

Sucess Response Fields

The responses for both cases contain a significant amount of data. To interpret them correctly, it is important to understand the meaning of each field. Refer to the table below for detailed field descriptions:

statusCodestringThe status of the transaction request (e.g., "Done").
dataobjectContains detailed information about the transaction, payment, and webhook.
data.transactionobjectInformation about the specific transaction.
transaction.idstring (UUID)Unique identifier of the transaction.
transaction.externalResourceIdstring (UUID)External resource identifier for the transaction.
transaction.orderIdstringIdentifier of the order associated with the transaction.
transaction.orderDescriptionstringDescription of the order associated with the transaction.
transaction.datestring (ISO 8601)Timestamp when the transaction was created.
transaction.stateRegisteredDatestring (ISO 8601)Timestamp when the transaction state was registered.
transaction.stateCompletedDatestring (ISO 8601)Timestamp when the transaction state was completed.
transaction.stateCancelledDatestring (ISO 8601)Timestamp when the transaction was canceled (if applicable).
transaction.stateRefundDatestring (ISO 8601)Timestamp when the transaction was refunded (if applicable).
transaction.stateReversedDatestring (ISO 8601)Timestamp when the transaction was reversed (if applicable).
transaction.stateErrorDatestring (ISO 8601)Timestamp when an error occurred in the transaction (if applicable).
transaction.stateErrorCausestringDescription of the error cause (if applicable).
transaction.typestringType of transaction (e.g., "Credit").
transaction.paymentTypestringType of payment method used (e.g., "PIX").
transaction.categorystringCategory of the transaction (e.g., "PartnerSales").
transaction.amountstringTotal amount of the transaction.
transaction.refundsAmountstringAmount refunded for the transaction (if applicable).
transaction.currencystringCurrency used in the transaction (e.g., "BRL").
transaction.statestringCurrent state of the transaction (e.g., "Completed").
transaction.chargesstringCharges applied to the transaction.
transaction.chargesObjectobjectDetails of the transaction charges.
chargesObject.costValuestringBase cost of the transaction.
chargesObject.rateValuestringRate value applied to the transaction.
chargesObject.ratestringRate percentage applied to the transaction.
transaction.receiptUrlstring (URL)URL to download the receipt for the transaction.
transaction.receiptDatestring (ISO 8601)Timestamp when the receipt was issued.
transaction.receiptVoucherstringVoucher code for the receipt.
transaction.receiptAmountstringAmount displayed on the receipt.
transaction.metadataobjectAdditional metadata related to the transaction.
transaction.payerobjectInformation about the payer of the transaction.
payer.namestringName of the payer.
payer.taxNumberstringTax identification number of the payer.
payer.bankCodestringBank code of the payer's bank.
payer.bankNamestringName of the payer's bank.
payer.accountAgencystringAgency number of the payer's bank account.
payer.accountNumberstringAccount number of the payer.
payer.accountDigitstringCheck digit of the payer's account.
transaction.customerNamestringName of the customer associated with the transaction.
transaction.accountNamestringName of the account associated with the transaction.
transaction.accountNumberstringNumber of the account associated with the transaction.
transaction.brandInfoobjectBrand information related to the transaction.
brandInfo.namestringName of the brand.
brandInfo.logostring (URL)URL of the brand's logo.
transaction.partnerInfoobjectPartner information related to the transaction.
partnerInfo.namestringName of the partner.
partnerInfo.logostring (URL)URL of the partner's logo.
transaction.accountobjectDetails of the account associated with the transaction.
account.accountNumberstringNumber of the account.
account.accountTypestringType of account (e.g., "Partner").
data.paymentobjectDetails of the payment associated with the transaction.
payment.valueobjectPayment value details.
value.originalstringOriginal amount of the payment.
payment.qrCodestringQR code associated with the payment.
payment.qrCodeLocationstring (URL)URL to view the QR code for the payment.
payment.payerobjectPayer information for the payment.
payer.namestringName of the payer.
payer.cpfstringCPF of the payer (if applicable).
payer.cnpjstringCNPJ of the payer (if applicable).
data.webhookobjectWebhook details related to the transaction.
webhook.urlstring (URL)URL of the webhook endpoint.
webhook.customHeaderNamestringCustom header name sent in the webhook request.
webhook.customHeaderValuestringCustom header value sent in the webhook request.
webhook.deliveryStatusstringStatus of the webhook delivery (e.g., "Sent").
webhook.deliveryTimestring (ISO 8601)Timestamp of the webhook delivery.