Transaction Lifecycle

Here's a breakdown of each transaction state

Intermediate States

  • Created: The transaction request has been received by the platform, and it is in the initial stage.
  • Registered: The transaction has been successfully registered with the banking system and is awaiting for the user payment (cash-in) or the withdraw confirmantion (cash-out).

Final States

  • Completed: The payment for the transaction has been successfully settled.
  • Reversed: The transaction has been completely reversed.
  • Cancelled: The transaction has been canceled before payment is settled.
  • Error: An error has occurred during the transaction processing.

Throughout the transaction lifecycle, the main state transitions, such as Registered, and the processed states, generates asynchronous events automatically sent via webhook. These webhook events enable real-time updates and notifications about the progress of your transactions.

By leveraging webhooks, you can seamlessly integrate this information into your systems and ensure that you stay up-to-date with current transaction status.


Note about Refunds

Transaction refunds might be applicable both for Cash Ins or Cash Outs. Cash in refunds are automatically applied when a transaction is rejected by any reason. In this case, the transaction just figures to the integrator as Error.

Cash out refunds happens when the end-user receives a payment and asks for a bank refund, expecting to receive credit in the merchant wallet. PayBrokers will proceed with the refund.